Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Autumnal Equinox

To celebrate the first day of autumn in the northern hemisphere, we took a little "field trip" to the nature trail. We used our senses on sight, smell, touch, and sound to notice the subtle changes as the season begins to turn. We noticed the "cool, crisp breeze" and the leaves beginning to change colors. We noticed the sounds of crickets and birds mingling with the road traffic nearby. We enjoyed the scenery and time with each other, and we maybe stopped to take some pictures along the way. Happy Fall, y'all!

The seed pods are trying up, and petals are drifting away.

Holding hands with Third Sprout as we walk along the trail.

Passing though a lovely covered bridge while the sprouts race ahead.

Seeing the changes in the flowers as the summer comes to an end.

With temperatures dipping down into the 30's and 40's overnight, the leaves are starting to turn.

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